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Trend of cafes, eateries growing in Pakistan: minister

ISLAMABAD, Aug. 9 (Xinhua) — The trend of eateries and cafes is growing globally, and Pakistan is no exception, with a strong love for food and an expanding food culture, Pakistani Commerce Minister Jam Kamal Khan said Friday.
Addressing the launch of the Second International Food and Agriculture Exhibition in the country’s southern port city of Karachi, the minister said that Pakistan offers a variety of continental food. However, the expertise brought by international chefs participating in the event is something new.
He invited the visiting chefs to explore Pakistan’s street food, highlighting its unique taste, and emphasized that food serves as a bridge for people to learn about each other and their cultures.
The minister expressed hope that food could help strengthen and further expand the South Asian country’s bilateral relations with other countries.
According to Pakistan’s Commerce Ministry, over 1,000 delegates are participating in the three-day exhibition from August 9 to 11. ■
